Verify over 150+ APIs

Advance Work Email Verification API

Instantly verify the employment status of applicants by validating the current status of a professional email address by confirming email and domain authenticity including cross-checking it with registered company name to ensure two-fold verification.

Verify over 150+ APIs

Advance Work Email Verification API

Instantly verify the employment status of applicants by validating the current status of a professional email address by confirming email and domain authenticity including cross-checking it with registered company name to ensure two-fold verification.

Verify over 150+ APIs

Advance Work Email Verification API

Instantly verify the employment status of applicants by validating the current status of a professional email address by confirming email and domain authenticity including cross-checking it with registered company name to ensure two-fold verification.

Why is Advance Work Email Verification Necessary?

Many businesses providing credit or EMI services need to ensure applicants are currently employed with the declared organisation. This API verifies the email validity and authenticity of the domain while providing additional business verification, minimising fraud risk, speeding up onboarding, and improving credibility through real-time checks and customizable name match thresholds. It is perfect for businesses requiring an efficient and secure employment verification.

Advance Work Email Verification

Advance Work Email

by Industry

by Industry

Our advance work email verification API enables seamless employment verification with multiple use cases

Our Advance Work Email Verification help businesses make informed decisions across several industries

Our Advance Work Email Verification help businesses make informed decisions
across several industries


Validate applicants' employment status, reducing the risk of fraud and expediting loan approvals

Credit Cards

Ensure accurate employment verification to decrease default risks and optimise limit setting for credit cards

Employee BGV

Enhance BGV accuracy by instantly confirming applicants' employment through secure work email validation

Corporate Banking

Verify employment via email during setup of salary account thereby minimising errors and accurate employee to company mapping.

Professional Networks

Integrate work email verification for employment checks, offering accurate company insights by legitimate and verified employees.

Higher Education Institutions

Validate an applicant's employment status for background checks when applying for advanced programs or certifications

Ready to save time and launch 10X faster
Ready to save time and launch 10X faster
Ready to save time and launch 10X faster

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FIPS 140-2 mojo.

Key Features of

Advance Work Email API

Employer name match score

Accurately match the declared employer with official records, providing confidence in the applicant’s employment status

Enhanced fraud prevention

Prevent fraudulent applications by confirming the authenticity of work email addresses and employer details in real-time

Validity of the domain

Check if the domain is active, not expired, and properly maintained, ensuring trust and accuracy in verification processes

Real-time employment

Instantly verify if an applicant is employed, ensuring faster onboarding and reduced processing time.

Domain-level associated businesses

Cross-check the domain with registered businesses to verify legitimate employer information, increasing application accuracy

Domain-level email authenticity checks

Verify email authenticity by ensuring the domain is professional, valid, and aligned with recognized business standards

Validity of the domain

Check if the domain is active, not expired, and properly maintained, ensuring trust and accuracy in verification processes

Real-time employment

Instantly verify if an applicant is employed, ensuring faster onboarding and reduced processing time.



More APIs

More APIs

Advance Employment History

Validate employment data from up to past three employers

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Advance Employment History

Validate employment data from up to past three employers

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Advance Employment History

Validate employment data from up to past three employers

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Aadhaar Verification

Verify Aadhaar number, demographics and user details for reliable verification

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Aadhaar Verification

Verify Aadhaar number, demographics and user details for reliable verification

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Aadhaar Verification

Verify Aadhaar number, demographics and user details for reliable verification

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PAN Verification

Verify and fetch the registered name of the cardholder

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PAN Verification

Verify and fetch the registered name of the cardholder

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PAN Verification

Verify and fetch the registered name of the cardholder

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What is the Advance Work Email Verification API used for?

What is the Advance Work Email Verification API used for?

What is the Advance Work Email Verification API used for?

Which industries benefit from Advance Work Email Verification API?

Which industries benefit from Advance Work Email Verification API?

Which industries benefit from Advance Work Email Verification API?

How does it ensure email validity?

How does it ensure email validity?

How does it ensure email validity?

How is fraud prevention enhanced?

How is fraud prevention enhanced?

How is fraud prevention enhanced?

Can it integrate with a business's existing systems?

Can it integrate with a business's existing systems?

Can it integrate with a business's existing systems?

Ready to get started?

Ready to get started?

Ready to get started?

Explore our API to ensure seamless work email verification instantly

Explore our API to ensure seamless work email verification instantly

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Empowering businesses with Unified APIs and Agentic Apps to build next-generation products.

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Empowering businesses with Unified APIs and Agentic Apps to build next-generation products.

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Empowering businesses with Unified APIs and Agentic Apps to build next-generation products.

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Key Features of

Advance Work Email API

Employer name match score

Accurately match the declared employer with official records, providing confidence in the applicant’s employment status

Enhanced fraud prevention

Prevent fraudulent applications by confirming the authenticity of work email addresses and employer details in real-time

Domain-level associated businesses

Cross-check the domain with registered businesses to verify legitimate employer information, increasing application accuracy

Domain-level email authenticity checks

Verify email authenticity by ensuring the domain is professional, valid, and aligned with recognized business standards

Validity of the domain

Check if the domain is active, not expired, and properly maintained, ensuring trust and accuracy in verification processes

Real-time employment

Instantly verify if an applicant is employed, ensuring faster onboarding and reduced processing time.




Why is Advance Work Email Verification Necessary?

Many businesses providing credit or EMI services need to ensure applicants are currently employed with the declared organisation. This API verifies the email validity and authenticity of the domain while providing additional business verification, minimising fraud risk, speeding up onboarding, and improving credibility through real-time checks and customizable name match thresholds. It is perfect for businesses requiring an efficient and secure employment verification.

Why is Advance Work Email Verification Necessary?

Many businesses providing credit or EMI services need to ensure applicants are currently employed with the declared organisation. This API verifies the email validity and authenticity of the domain while providing additional business verification, minimising fraud risk, speeding up onboarding, and improving credibility through real-time checks and customizable name match thresholds. It is perfect for businesses requiring an efficient and secure employment verification.